The Tough Days

Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh

“A merry heart does good like a medicine” Proverbs 17:22

The other day while grocery shopping at Walmart, our 3 year old daughter Kellie suddenly yelled “Oh no Momma…….. you forgot to brush my teeth!” I have absolutely no clue as to what caused her to say that. It was as if she had an epiphany or something. I thought to myself, “Really Kellie? Did you really have to put your mom out there like that?” I realized I had to respond or she would keep repeating herself. All I could say was “Mommy is so sorry. Please don’t blow your breath in anyone’s face. I’ll brush them when we get home.”  Mind you, there was an older lady standing beside us watching and listening. She thought it was hilarious. I noticed her laughing. Then, I began to laugh. As a matter of fact, our entire family was laughing.

Often we judge ourselves too harshly. As a result, we think everyone else is judging us the same way. The truth is, most people (especially other moms) know slip ups happen. No matter how great of moms we try to be, we all make mistakes. We simply have to extend grace to ourselves in our moments of imperfections.

Years ago, I would have totally stressed out about forgetting to brush my child’s teeth. I would have beat myself up and thought I was somehow not being a good mom. I most definitely would have wanted to go back home immediately to brush her teeth. It would not have been a laughing matter. But those days are long gone!

Although, I take motherhood seriously, I am learning to lighten up on myself. I usually make sure my daughter’s teeth are brushed twice a day. So what’s the big deal if I accidentally forgot to brush her teeth one day? It was not like her teeth were going to fall out. When we finished all of our grocery shopping and returned home, I brushed her teeth and that was that. There was no mommy guilt. Just a memorable family trip to the grocery store and a good laugh!


Until my next post………….

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”  Proverbs 3:6



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