
Boo Hoo and Woo Hoo!!!!

Boo Hoo

I can hardly believe the time has come for my precious little boy, Matt, to start kindergarten. How I’ve longed for this day to arrive.  Yet, I am not sure I am quite ready for it. Making it to this point has truly been a tremendous journey. I am blessed to have been there to experience all of the wonderful milestones he  has reached thus far.


It seems as though it was yesterday that I was giving birth to my 7.10 pound baby boy. I still remember the sweet smell of his breath and the cute little look on his adorable face when he arrived. We were so happy to bring him home. Well, my husband and I were happy. Allie, on the other hand, was not amused at all. In fact, the first time Allie ever copped an attitude with me, was the day she met her brother at the hospital.  She was so upset with me. She wouldn’t even give me a hug! But she quickly got over it. She and her brother have been inseparable ever since.

The journey from mothering a newborn to a toddler and now a big boy, has been filled with lots of laughter, joy, love and tears.  From the time he started to crawl until he started playing t-ball, my son has never failed to keep me on my toes. He is the biggest “Momma’s Boy” you ever want to see. I totally blame myself for that but he is my only son.

I thought, it would be easier to accept, since he is the second of our children to enter school. Surprisingly, it isn’t. It’s harder. I actually thought, I would be ecstatic. However, I am finding myself with very mixed emotions. I’ve gone from feeling like the first day of school couldn’t get here fast enough to literally boo hooing in my kitchen, while making the tribute video below. (BTW: check it out and let me know your thoughts.)

Although, he attended preschool and mother’s day out, part-time for a couple of years, he has basically been by my side the majority of his life. I wonder if I have done enough to prepare him for the challenges of elementary school.  I wonder how well he will adapt to being away from me everyday for so long.  Truth is, I wonder how I’ll adapt to being away from him.

As I reflect over the past five years, I am very grateful God gave me the privilege to spend as much time as I have with him. Although, the days felt extremely long (still do),  the years passed quicker than I imaged. I guess, I’ll just have to embrace and accept the fact that this is just one of life’s many milestones my baby will reach. Boo hoo and Woo hoo….. Matt’s going to kindergarten!!!!


Does it ever get easier?


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