Balancing vs. Prioritizing Life
As a mother, I am realizing the importance of prioritizing. According to Webster’s dictionary, the word prioritize means to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also,” Matthew 6:33 AMP.
I’ve often heard people make statements such as, “I’m trying to find a way to balance it all.” The word balance suggests that everything is of equal importance. While, I know people mean well when making statements such as this, God does not want his children to have balanced lives. He wants us to have Holy Spirit-filled prioritized lives. In other words, he wants us to put first things first.
As Christians, growing in our relationship with Christ and pleasing our Heavenly Father should be our number one priority. In doing so, the Christian wife’s and/or mother’s first natural priority, should always be her home. “Encourage the young women to tenderly love their husbands and their children, to be sensible, pure, makers of a home [where God is honored], good-natured, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored,” Titus 2:4-5 AMP. Whether working inside or outside of the home, God’s word is clear; home should be the top natural priority in the heart of the Christian wife and/or mom. No earthly things and/or accomplishments should ever be placed at the same level as being a wife/mother.
Generally speaking, when I am faced with a decision to do something that would put a strain on my family, I try my best to say, “no.” Sometimes, it is saying, “No” to a potentially big business deal. Other times, it is not going to an event (sometimes church event) in order to spend quality time with husband and/or children.
When we prioritize our husbands and children, we bring honor to God. When we do not, we dishonor his word and become as foolish women. “The wise woman builds her house [on a foundation of godly precepts, and her household thrives], But the foolish one [who lacks spiritual insight] tears it down with her own hands [by ignoring godly principles],” Proverbs 14:1 AMP.
Until next Wednesday, “In all your ways acknowledge God and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:6
Would you describe your life as balanced or prioritized?